Saturday, September 1, 2018

Fun Ways To Make Learning Math Interesting For Students

Almost every student has problems with mathematics at one point in their academic lives. Numbers, formulas, and equations aren’t the most dynamic topics in the world. That’s why math teachers have to be vigilant in making sure their students understand these concepts besides them asking their class if they understand the lessons. Here are some fun ways on how to make mathematics interesting for students.

Use real-world examples: If you can’t think of any way your students can use what you’re teaching in the real world, then they wouldn’t too. Real world applications are probably one of the most difficult aspects to zero in on when teaching mathematics but are highly effective.

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Create learning stations: Math can be difficult to understand for individual students. This is why some educators form learning stations inside the classroom. Learning stations are made by forming or assigning a group of students in class a special delegation, each doing something different from the rest. Learning stations can focus on reviewing skills, proper usage of math apps, drill practice, and even games.

Modifying classroom response system: Asking students to raise their hand if they don’t understand the equation can lead to them not raising their hand at all. By changing the dynamics of classroom response systems, teachers can get a more authentic feel for the mood of the class. You may want to replace raising hands to using clickers for a more discreet response.

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As an educator, the goal of Adam M. Smith is to make sure that every student leaves the classroom with enough understanding of the subject matter to have an informed discussion about current social/political/economical issues around the dinner table. For more insightful reads on education, visit this page.

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